Against Celta de Vigo
Ayoze who hopes to get a chance to play in tonight's game said in Los Rodeos airport yesterday that"We saw them against Rayo Vallecano and they were superior to them. We need to do our best and go for it and that way we will not get a shock. It is all about finding rhythm in an important game and following the trainers instructions."
Dinei said thet he hoped that the players who were not playing so much in the league would have a chance to play. He actually played for Celta last year but said if he scored a goal he would celebrate it.
The game is on Canal Plus PPV or you can watch the ticker on the club website
Awards for CDT players and trainer
At the LFP Gala last night CDT players and trainer were given various prizes for the second division for the season 2008/2009. Nino was awarded with best player and best forward. Best defender was given to Marc Bertran. Best attacking midfielder was awarded to Alejandro Alfaro. and best trainer was Jose Luis Oltra. Of the 9 awards given to the second division Tenerife took home five a night to be proud of.
Another great piece of news is that Marc Bretran has had the piece of metal taken out of his leg and can start rehabilitation
The players have gone to the mainland for the week (the team are staying on the mainland until after the weekend so they don't need to travel twice) The plan for the week is the following.
Day | Time | Place | Activity |
Tuesday | 07:30 | Los Rodeos | Tenerife Norte-Madrid (UX) |
Tuesday | 13:35 | Barajas | Madrid-Vigo (UX) |
Tuesday | - | Vigo | Hotel NH Palacio de Vigo |
Tuesday | 16:00 | A Madroa | Training |
Wednesday | 19:00 | Balaídos | RC Celta-CD Tenerife |
Thursday | 10:00 | A Madroa | Training |
Thursday | 17:45 | Vigo | Vigo-Valencia |
Thursday | - | Valencia | Traslado a Castellón por carretera |
Thursday | - | Castellón | Estancia NH Mindoro |
Friday | - | Castellón | Training |
Saturday | - | Castellón | Training |
Sunday | 16:00 | El Madrigal | Villarreal CF-CD Tenerife |
CD Tenerife 1 - 0 Xerez
I missed the first 30 mins as we managed to leave our season tickets at home and my other half went home to get them. Sat outside the agates waiting for him to get back. I was amazed at how many people are actually late. The queues were still 30 deep as the kick off whistle went and people were arriving for about 20 mins after that.
A win was needed and this is what the team provided. Xerez seemed to be playing for a 0-0 draw and didn't have a shot at goal in the first half. CD Tenerife had the possession and the ball very much under their control. There were shots at goal but the team were anxious and somewhat slow. The first chance came from Roman in the 4th minute with a hit on the post. Nino had a couple of chances with passes from Kome and Juanlu.
In the second half the oposing team changed Orellana in and he was quicker with more chances for a counter attack for the team from Jerez. Mario Bermejo had a shot at goal but it was saved by Aragoneses. The game seemed more broken at this moment but then came the goal from Tenerife. Omar passed the ball to the centre and Alfaro headed it into the net. After the goal and with the pressure taken off CD Tenerife played their best game. There was a possible penalty by leandro on angel but the ref didn't call it. Xerez teied to recover thier position but even with the keeper ruching to place the ball they had no chance.
Sergio Aragoneses; Aitor Núñez, Manolo Martínez, Pablo Sicilia, Bellvis (Omar, 60’); Mikel Alonso, Román Martínez; Juanlu Hens, Alfaro (Richi, 86’), Kome (Ángel, 71’) y Nino.
Renan; Leandro, Aythami, David Prieto; Francis, Moreno (Abel Gómez, 77’), Bergantiños, Armenteros; Viqueira; Mario Bermejo (Antoñito, 67’) y Carlos Calvo (Orellana, 55’).
Carlos Clos Gómez, from Aragon. Yellow card for CDT player Román Martínez (23’), and for the visitors Armenteros (75’).
(73’) Alfaro, header from a shot by Omar.
Eighth round of the Primera BBVA Leaguge. Stadium Heliodoro Rodríguez López. 17.754 spectators in the stadium. Hot afternoon. Ground was in perfect condition. Before the start there was an honor free kick by Domingo Barrera Corpas, a boxer from Candelaria, known as “El Ciclón del Atlántico”. He was Canarian champion, Spanish champion, Olímpic champion in Tokyo in 1964 and fought twice for the world title.
Training before Xerez
At the end of today's training Head coach jose Luis Oltra gave the list of the playrs called up for tomorrows game. They are: Sergio Aragoneses, Luis García, Aitor Núñez, Pablo Sicilia, Ezequiel Luna, Manolo Martínez, Bellvís, Ayoze, Kome, Omar, Juanlu, Nino, Ángel, Richi, Román, Mikel Alonso, Alfaro y Dinei.
Missing from the last list are Culebras y Saizar, returning Manolo Martínez from injury and Román form 5 yellow cards and contract details..
They trained this morning for 1 hour and 40 mins After warming up the team practised specific plays and then played a game in a smaller space. On Friday the team trained in the Heliodoro Lopez, the president of the Armada Sur was in the stadium buying tickets and stopped to watch. He said that Nino was practising shots at goal long after the rest of the players were gone so hopefully we will see as good a goal as we saw the last time CD Tenerife played against Xerez.
This coming Sunday the new gates ordered at the end of the last season as part of the work that needed doing for the stadium to be aproved for use for the first division have been installed and will go into action. Thus far the gates are in Herradura Baja, San Sebastian baja and gate 25 in San Sebastian. I think the gate 25 is mentioned separately as this is where the boxes are.
The gates will be open from 14.30 so that the fans in genmeral and particularly the mentioned gates will have access without any rush or panic to their seats before the game starts.
loss and other things
Sundays game is against Xerez. If last years seasons home game is anything to go by this should be a battle of wills. Tickets for the match will go on sale on Thursday.
Quotes from the trainer after last weekends game include "Our rival was more effective than us. We knew that Español was a class team. We need to be more careful with counter attacks. There is nothing else to de but carry on. Everytime you score and don't win the result seems bad. On the positive side we scored away. there are things about our game which need polising. We are being punished for our errors." and finally " we need to gain points away."
Pablo Sicilia said yesterday in an interview that the priority needs to be the direct rival ie Xerez. That doesn't make it different from any other game. We know we need to be strong at home. He also commented how comfortable he felt in the left side. "As well as being a defensive position I could also go forward to give the game everything"
The club has again asked the federation for equality for the times of the games. Every other team gets to play at 5pm but here in the Canaries where it is hottest thsy have to play at 4pm. I am afraid it is not until a player has sunstroke or worse that anything will be changed.
Training for the rest of the week includes:
Thursday | 10:00 | Heliodoro | Training |
Friday | 10:00 | El Mundialito | Training |
Friday | - | El Mundialito | press conference JL Oltra |
Saturday | 10:00 | Heliodoro | Training |
Saturday | - | - | List of players for Sunday |
Sunday | 16:00 | Heliodoro | CD Tenerife-Xerez CD |
CD Tenerife gave 28.479 euros to the charities “Nunca Más” and to Cáritas
The money was handed over in the Meeting room of the town hall in Fuencaliente,in the beautiful Islad of La Palma. At the presentation were the Mayor of the town Gregorio Alonso; the representative for Social Services for Mazo, Rosa Rodríguez; and the administrative secretary from CD Tenerife, Conrado González
80 percent of the money has been donated to the association “Más Nunca”, represented by Eduardo Pérez; and the remaining 20 percent to Cáritas in the Villa de Mazo, specifically the parish of San Blas, represented by Miriam Cabrera.
This money was a donation agreed by the team CD Tenerife in agreement with the Cabildo Insular de La Palma (the La Palma Island government) and the 2 town halls of the areas affected by the fires last August.
The representatives of the two charities both thanked the club effusively for this generous gesture by CD Tenerife commenting on the fast action by the club for their act of solidarity with those affected by the drama they lived through in La Palma
Fan club meeting

Yesterday afternoon the fan clubs met with representatives from CD Tenerife. The meeting lasted one and a half hours and the club anounced it was very satisfactory. It was held in the press area of the stadium which you can see in the photos below. This was the forth meeting of its type since Miguel Concepción became president. Representatives from the club included Antonio Padrón the representative to the Peñas (fan clubs. Representatives from the fan clubs included member from Sentimiento Blanquiazul, Salamanca, Zoneros, Puntera, Armada Sur, Teguestera, Instinto Blanquiazul, Guayota, Boca Chinyero, Colombina (La Gomera) Tenerife Acentejo, Brigadas Tinerfeñas, Reina de Anaga & Frente Blanquiazul.
The club announced on their website that the meeting was constructive. The fan clubs websites tell a different story. There was apparently nothing agreed or promised to the fans. All the club could say was "Okay, we will take that into account."

1.- This meeting was not set up to solve the necesities and problems of the fan clubs because the club had nothing to tell their assistants neither was the club ready to listen to us.
2.- This fan club condemns the treatment of some of the club staff by other fan clubs such behaviour we disapprove of and do not accept.
3.- This fan club was born and exists exclusively to support CD Tenerife and we expect nothing form the club. We understand that the club has no intention to do anything for the fan clubs, we don't know why this meeting was held but we have no intention of attending future meetings held by the club.
4. This fan club doesn't understand why there is a representative for the fan clubs in the club as this person although we value his willingness he doesn't have time due to work commitments to meet with the fan clubs.
Lastly we reject the 3 invitations we have been offered and ask that they be given to the ARMADA SUR fan club who after 15 years of never missing a game in the stadium now have trouble to the stadium for difficulties outside their control. We can not solve their problems but wish to show solidarity with them.
The Zoneros are very sorry that the club has changed its treatment radically towards the fan clubs since going up to the first division but would like to remember what we are here for which is CD Tenerife. We will continue supporting at each game from the stand as we always have and financing all our activities for our members ourselves without receiving any outside finance.
Tenerife hasta la Muerte.
The Peña Tenerife Acentejo have stated:
-The peña Tenerife Acentejo shows total solidarity and support will each and every fan club in CD Tenerife wheteher they were at the meeting or not, we would like to state that we are available for collaboration in any positive initiative which will help and support the fan clubs
-That having been for the first time to this sort of meeting , it has been a good point of contact and exchange of ideas with the other fan clubs and their supporters. We were surprised by the disagreement with the present position of the club and the fan clubs. They feel there is no clear plan and that they are not supported in a fashion they feel they should be. We hope that if we work together and above all the club works with the fan clubs that things will improve.
-That we will continue supporting the club with more force and hope this support will bring in return more support from the club.
Always with CDT, Peña Tenerife Acentejo
The fan club Instinto Blanquiazul
have stated on their website:
Even though the club has stated that the meeting was satisfactory the meeting between The representative Antonio Padrón,and the manager, Juan Amador, the fan club Instinto Blanquiazul feels the meeting was not productive and server for us at least to distance us from the managers of the club itself.
To the meeting went representatives from the following fan clubs: Sentimiento Blanquiazul, Salamanca, Zoneros, Puntera, Armada Sur, Teguestera, Instinto Blanquiazul, Guayota, Boca Chinyero, Colombina (La Gomera) Tenerife Acentejo, Brigadas Tinerfeñas, Reina de Anaga & Frente Blanquiazul.
We personally feel ashamed by the attitude adopted by the representative of the club especially Juan Amador when dealing with the requests from the fan clubs. The excuse "lack of communication" even if Antonio Padrón asks for forgiveness at the moment of dealing with different colleagues from the other fan clubs. We haven't been considered for months which is especially disappointing since we are now in the first division and only last season the club was given the title of "Jugador nº12" for the best fans in a notional competition.
Although we would like to congratulate the intentions of delegate Antonio Padrón,as well as any solution to a particular problem he may find we would like that the clubs comments don't remain just that. We want that the club succeeds and the relationship between the club and the fan clubs strengthen which to our point of view is not happening, we actually see there has been a distancing from various of the collective groups since the meeting.
As Antonio Padrón stated in the Club website: as we have announced on the website "we need to listen to the voice of the fans." As such we made suggestions for the animation of the team as the colouring of the stadium which could be realised at a reasonable price. Our second suggestion was that there was a consistent rule for cession of season tickets, to help fill the stadium to sell more seats and that the fans were able to get seats that would be unavailable. The reaction form the club offended us. Given the such attitudes we will have to seriously consider whether we will attend any future 3 monthly meetings
Even so we would like to restate that we will carry on being loyal to the club, supporting animating and defending the colours: by realising various activities which favor the blueandwhite interests. With the only aim being to to fight for the colours. Always with CD Tenerife
I read comments from the Armada Sur president, which you can read on their forum. Which were not any where near as negative as the comments from these other Fan clubs.
It is a terrible shame that there is this division between the fan clubs and the management of the team. All want the same thing for the team to do well and the fans to support the team but how to achieve these aims seems to be poles apart. Maybe one good thing will come form the meeting is the support between the fan clubs themselves.
Manolo Martinez scan results
Marc Bertran is continuing with absolute rest. His leg needs to be immobilised. He stated that he was grateful for all the support from the club, his team mates and the fans.
Yesterday after training the players went on a visit to the water bottling plant Fuente Alta. The company is one of CDT's sponsors. Jose Luis Oltra and the players saw how the water is teated and bottled in the mountains above Vilaflor. After the visit they had lunch in a hotel in Vilaflor before heading back to Santa Cruz.
Ayoze has announced to the AS newspaper that if he doesn't play then he feels obliged to look elsewhere. He stated that at 23 years old a player needs to count on playing and growing as a professional.. he lamented that for the team to be in the first division and only have played 23 minutes in the 6 games played so far seemed unfair. He also commented that he seemed to have moved down in the list of reserves with Omar, Dinei and Angel coming above him. His contact finishes in June but he talked of either going then or in the winter break.
3rd busiest stadium in primera.
A great side story came up in The AS newspaper this morning. Marc Bertran had asked Raul Gonzalez the long time Real Madrid player if they could change shirts during the game and after paly had finished the palyer came to the CD Tenerife changing room to bring the shirt to the players for them to pass it on. It is a very nice thing to remember and take the time so Marc could have the shirt even though he wasn't on the field due to his injuries at the end of play.
Roman Martinez who was interviewed yesterday

The cup games are played over the next days with the next draw being held in Las Rozas at 11.00 on Friday morning. Ternerife will be in the next round and it will be interesting to see who they are playing. The club hasn't commented yet what is happening with the season ticket holders seats. I guess they are waiting to see who CD Tenerife draws to see if they charge extra or not.
This was the first game lost at home this season. A game where we didn't play particularly well. Certainly not the way we have played in other games. When asked about the players changed after half time. He stated " I changed the players at more or less the same time because we were 0-1 down. It is true that I changed Omar and Dinei within 4 minutes of each other but then I saw now change in the play and then I decided to make another change risking a bit more. Sometimes change works and sometimes not. That is football"
He then continued, " In the first half we couldn't score, the ball came all the way to the goal but their defence were there and the players couldn't come through. We didn't get a rhythm going and were not consistent. In the second half their changes also influenced play. Perhaps we were not at our best football but I am not unhappy with the way the team played. I would like to send my congratulations to Depo. Now we need to think about the next game. I am grateful to the fans but we all knew this would be a year to suffer. We are all angry when we lose and more so a game where we really didn't deserve to. Nethertheless to talk of fair or not fair isn't football. You just have to go on, now we need to have confidence in the team and trust that goals will come.
The team members comments included:
Richi who commented that the team had played well in general in the first half but after the goal in the second half they were not so controlled.
Aitor Nuñez discussed the fact it was the first loss at home, he then commented on the fact the trainer always plays to win and often takes off defenders to put on more forwards. When asked about himself he replied that"I am happy to keep playing minutes though you never go home happy after a loss"
Finally Mikel Alonso spoke saying " This was the first loss at home and hurts more as we are not used to losing here. We were not lucky. The worst thing is after the goal we had the feeling that we could come back but their defenders stood back. We were around the goal area but couldn't come through"
CD Tenerife v. Deportivo la Coruna
Sergio Aragoneses; Aitor Núñez (Dinei, 64’), Pablo Sicilia, Ezequiel Luna, Bellvis; Mikel Alonso, Román Martínez; Alfaro, Richi (Omar, 60’), Kome (Ángel, 83’) & Nino.
Aranzubía; Manuel Pablo, Diego Colotto, Lopo, Luis Filipe; Pablo Álvarez (Mista, 79’), Antonio Tomás, Sergio, Guardado; Riki (Bodipo, 71’) & Lassad (Juan Rodríguez, 46’).
José Luis Paradas Romero, from Ahndalicia.Yellow cards for CD Tenerife players Román Martínez (66’) & Luna (90’), and for the visitor Pablo Álvarez (34’).
0-1: (60’) Colotto, Header near the post.
Sixth round of the Liga BBVA,in the first Spanish Division. 19.528 spectators on a warm afternoon. Ground was in perfect condition.